
1. Background

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in Medical Physiology was started in 1986 with an interim approval of the Senate for the purpose of training postgraduate students in physiological and medical research. In addition, the current increase in the number of medical, dental and pharmacy schools and undergraduate nursing programs has exposed a large shortage of medical physiologists for teaching. The graduates will be able to effectively fill junior academic positions in any department of medical physiology before undertaking postdoctoral research training. Moreover, the research training in the program will be of value to the graduates in their specialized clinical disciplines.

2. Philosophy

There has been a considerable expansion in medical education within Kenya since the opening of the first medical school in 1968. This has not been accompanied with proportionate increase in the number of medical physiologists. The consequence is that medical physiology is being taught in many medical schools and other health science training institutions by doctors who have some other specialization. There are only a few applicants annually for the Masters Degree program in Medical Physiology partly because there are no Bachelors degree programs in the discipline in the country. The consequenceS is that there are very few PHD students in the discipline.

3. Rationale

The solution to the above problem is to offer training at the Doctor of Philosophy level in Medical Physiology. It is expected that some of the graduates will proceed to the post-doctoral degrees in Medical Physiology while others will find employment in technical areas of research institutions, medical services or pursue further research in their areas of specializations n in other health professions. The doctoral program seeks to develop the highest level of scholarship, research capability, and creative thinking skills in the student's area of specialization.

4. Objectives

The Objectives of the course is to provide learners with an opportunity to develop confidence and skills to apply basic and applied principles in medical physiology in the practice of medicine. This programme aims to encourage the acquisition of general medical physiology skills relating to basic and applied medical physiology, critical analysis, interpretation and discussion of factual information and data related to medical physiology.  This course aims to offer a fresh stimulating approach to the major forces instrumental in the shaping of basic and applied skills in medical physiology. To provide quality education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge. To promote freedom of thought and expression and innovativeness and creativity. To instill professionalism and ethical attitude and behaviour, professional etiquette and integrity. To foster a work environment characterize by team spirit and teamwork and provide quality services. To promote a respect for and conservation of the environment, sustainability and stewardship of resources.


5. Schedule of In takes

September every year


6. Mode Of Delivery

Face to face mode

Seminars, project presentations, academic consultation, tutorials and journal clubs


7. Application information

Application Procedure

  • When To Apply
  • Applications open in April every year and you should try to submit an application as soon as possible after that date.


  • Application Fees
  • An application fee must be paid for every application, except in the case of most graduates of UON. Please refer to the fee structure for more information.


  • Submitting Results And Documents
  • Current learners at school must make sure that all examination results from class 8 tp form four are submitted.
  • Transferring students should submit all transcripts and academic records as early as possible.


  • Monitor Your Application
  • It is a good idea to monitor the status of your application. You can do this online.


8. Notable Alumni

Prof. Julius Ogeng’o (DVC Academic Affairs), UoN

Prof. Peter Gichangi (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, Research and Extension), Technical University of Mombasa


9. Attachment Opportunities


The department of Medical Physiology is committed to providing the students with opportunities to acquire, sharpen their knowledge and gain technical/practical skills to complement their studies in order to enhance their employability in line with the Kenya vision 2030. Attachment is provided to students from recognized learning institutions during their final year of year preceding the final year of study.


ATTACHMENT Eligibility and Duration

· The department of Medical Physiology attachment program runs on a yearly basis and intakes are in the Month of JANUARY.

· Only attachees from Government recognized Training Institutions shall be eligible for intake.

· Attachments opportunities shall be offered to Bachelor’s degree students during their 3 rd OR 4 th year of study or 2 nd year Diploma students.

· Attachment shall be undertaken only once during the course


ATTACHMENT Application Requirements

· Students are required to make applications at least one (1) month prior to the attachment period by sending a hard copy application letter or an email to and attach the following documents: -

  1. Valid letter from leaning institution,
  2.  Day time telephone contact
  3. Application letters to be addressed to: The Chairman Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, University of Nairobi. (RE: APPLICATION FOR ATTACHEMENT). Due to the large pool of applicants only selected students are contacted.

10. Career

1. Teaching human anatomy.

2. Further training in anatomical fields.

3. Research in human and translational anatomy


11. Contact of support Persons

1. Prof. Moses Obimbo 

Chairman, Dept. of Human Anatomy & Physiology

P.O.Box 30197-00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel       :254734510541

Mobile :254721585906

Email   :


2.Dr. Paul Odula 

Coordinator, PhD Programmes

P.O.Box 30197-00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel       : 254734510541

Mobile :254722773025

Email   :


3. Dr. Charles Githinji

Coordinator, Med Physiology Programmes

P.O.Box 30197-00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel       : 254734510541

Mobile :254722785517




Structure and Duration of The course

The Programme shall run over a minimum of three academic years and a maximum of five years for full time students.

The course has two parts. The first part covers the tuition component of the course. In the second part, students will cover the research (thesis) component of the course.


Duration of PhD Programme

A registered candidate must submit to the Department of Human anatomy and Medical Physiology a research proposal within six (6) months after registration.


The School of Medicine may decline to approve the study or research if:

        • Deemed unsuitable in itself
        • Cannot scholarly be studied under the supervision of the University or supervision outside the University which is acceptable to the Senate: or
        • Conditions under which the candidate proposes to work are unsatisfactory.


  1. The registration for the PhD will lapse if a candidate fails to submit an acceptable research proposal within six months after completion of requirements of coursework.


  1. A candidate may be registered as a full time student for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for a minimum of three years and a maximum of five years.  Part-time students should take a minimum of four years and a maximum of seven years.  Registration will be reviewed from time to time by the Graduate School. Continuance of registration shall dependent on evidence of satisfactory progress.


  1. The PhD program in the Department of Medical Physiology shall normally thesis preparation and defense. PhD candidates are expected to have done the core and relevant required courses in the Masters Programme, depending on their programme of specialization.


  1. On admission, the student, after consultation with the academic advisor, shall declare in writing and under his/her signature, one of the eight programmes of Study and the programme of Specialization he/she wants to pursue.


  1. The academic advisor will advise the student on the appropriate combination, including the availability of specific courses for the year.


Conduct of Studies

      1. A candidate registered in accordance with these regulations shall be required to pursue his/her program of study instruction or supervision by academic staff appointed in that capacity by the University of Nairobi Senate on the recommendation of the Department of Medical Physiology and the School of Medicine.


      1. All candidates shall be required to consult their supervisor(s) at least once a month.


      1. Candidates will be required to give seminars as prescribed throughout the coursework period for all courses for which they are registered.


      1. All candidates shall be required to participate in all the Seminars and field trips as arranged for them by the Department of Medical Physiology.


      1. Students doing PhD in Medical Physiology are exempted from the core courses, if one has already done them, at the discretion of the Senate based on the recommendation of the Department of Medical Physiology


Description Of Thesis

Rationale of the thesis in the programme

The thesis will test their ability to conceptualize, plan and implement their research project and write it up according to the standard format for thesis writing for the University of Nairobi.

Facets of the thesis

The thesis should follow the guidelines for thesis writing by the Graduate School of the University of Nairobi. The thesis will have in English using the format of Times New Roman or equivalent A4 font 11 with a minimum of 15000 words and a maximum of 20000 words and will include:

  1. Abstract (1 page)
  2. Introduction (1 page)
  3. Literature review (4 pages)
  4. Methodology(5 pages)
  5. Presentation of results(10 pages)
  6. Discussion and Conclusion(10 pages)
  7. References (minimum of 20 references)
  8. Appendices (maximum of 5 appendices each not exceeding 5 pages)


Regulations of thesis

The thesis must be the original work of the student, must pass the antiplagiarism check and presented successfully to a departmental panel. The student will be subjected to a 15 minute oral examination covering aspects of the degree course. Internal examiners who are not supervisors will be marked according to the rule of grading of written examinations.

Course Evaluation


The course will be evaluated in terms of instructional process, infrastructure and equipment for delivery, adequacy of instructional and reference materials and the accuracy and efficacy of the assessment tools and methodologies. An annual internal evaluation of the qualification and experience of the academic and technical staff including the staff: student ratio will be done. Annual review of the departmental asset register will be done to department the functional status of teaching facilities and equipment.

Management And Administration Of The Program

Placement of housing

Appropriateness of teaching and reading space will be ensured

Academic leadership

Senior lecturer who are PhD holders will be the team teaching leaders

Quality Assurance mechanism

Thoroughness and effectiveness of the quality mechanisms will be done using research logs with feedback from both the student and the supervisors

Courses Offered For The Program

List of courses

  1. HMP 407 Project


Total number of hours and units required

  • Contact hours =270 hours per year


These will conform to the Commission of University Education Curriculum Standards and the University of Nairobi Statutes

Minimum student workload = 2 students

  • Seminars=80%
  • Independent study/private study=100%
  • Practical=100%
  • Project and thesis preparation = 2 weeks


Minimum lecturer workload = 15 lecturers

  • Preparation time for teaching and practical=3 hours per week
  • Actual supervisory time=8 hours per week
  • Project supervision =15 lecturers

Duration  of course units

The program shall cover a maximum of two (2) academic year of 2 semesters of 16 weeks.

Each course unit will 225 hours for the thesis project.

The degree program shall comprise of thesis research project.

A student who does not complete the course within the prescribed period shall be discontinued.


Course Matrix

There will be one learning outcome in the course matric for this degree as it is not a taught course

Admission Requirements

Minimum admission requirements

Applicants with the following minimum qualifications shall be admissible:

(a)        Common University regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Nairobi shall apply.

(b)        Any candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Medical Physiology must:

  1. Be a holder of a  Masters degree in Medical Physiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pathology, Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Public Health, Pharmacology, Radiology, Clinical Pharmacy, Psychiatry and other health related courses offered in the College of Health Sciences from the University of Nairobi or of any other institution recognized by the Senate of the University of Nairobi.


  1. Be a holder of a Master’s degree of the University of Nairobi in any of the following disciplines: life science, health sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, law, engineering, humanities, and allied disciplines.


            (ii)        be holder of a Master’s degree of any other University recognized by the University of Nairobi as equivalent to the status of the qualifications in (i) above; or

            iii)        be a holder of other qualifications considered by Senate as equivalent to a  Master’s degree in the disciplines outlined in (i) above.


Regulations for credit transfers

There are no credit transfers or exemptions for this program.


Course Requirements

The course requirements are well articulate with respect to:

Student obligation

Student class attendance should be demonstrations and tutorials for undergraduate students (50%), presenting seminars for peers (100%), attending postgraduate student and academic staff seminars (80%).


Lecturer and online tutors obligation

Academic consultation, practicals and tutorials (100%), facilitation for face to face and online courses (100%) and office hours. 


Student Assessment Policy And Criteria

The student assessment policy and criteria will include:

Thesis presentation (100%).


Grading System

Submission and Examination of Thesis

  1. A candidate for the degree of Doctor of philosophy shall be required to submit a thesis embodying the results of his/her research.


  1. At least six months before the thesis is presented, a candidate shall give notice of submission to the Dean, School of Medicine with copies to the Director of the University of Nairobi Graduate School. The notice should indicate the title of the thesis, and include an abstract of the work, outlining the general scope of the thesis and an antiplagiarism report.


  1. Six copies of the thesis must be submitted to the Director of the University of Nairobi Graduate School. and must be accompanied by a declaration on the part of the candidate, that the thesis has not been submitted for a degree of any other University, and that the contents of the thesis are the original work of the candidate, countersigned by the supervisor. All six copies of the thesis shall remain the property of the University of Nairobi.


  1. The Senate shall, on the recommendation of the School of Medicine, appoint one external examiner and two internal examiners.  In addition, the Senate, on the recommendation of the School of Medicine shall appoint two faculty representatives for the oral examination of the candidate.


The Board of Examiners for the Oral Examination shall consist of:


        1. Dean of the School of Medicine or his representative as chairman
        2. Two Internal Examiners
        3. Candidate's supervisor(s)
        4. Two members of the Board, School of Medicine



  1. A candidate shall be required to present himself/herself for an oral examination on a date to be announced by the Associate Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences Medicine after submission of this thesis.


  1. The Board of Examiners shall submit a joint report on the thesis and oral examination and make a recommendation on the award of the degree or otherwise to the Senate.


  1. The Senate may, on advice of examiners, invite a candidate to submit a revised form of a thesis which has not been accepted in the original form within a period to be determined by the examiners. Correction of specific errors does not require formal resubmission.


  1. A thesis accepted by the University of Nairobi and subsequently published in part or whole and in whatever form, shall bear the inscription; work forming part of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Nairobi.


Thesis Assessment

  1. Common regulations of the University of Nairobi and those of the Faculty of Health Sciences   shall apply.


  1. The thesis shall be marked by at least two (2) internal examiners and an external examiner. The oral defense shall be assessed by the external examiner and not less than two internal examiners.


  1. A candidate who fails to submit the thesis or fails to successfully defend the thesis shall be considered to have failed the degree program.


  1. All (100%) of the final marks shall be from research thesis.


Graduation Requirements

Award of the degree

A candidate who satisfies the examiners in the thesis presentation shall, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and approval of the Senate, be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Physiology (PhD Med Phys).


Applicants with the following minimum qualifications shall be admissible:
(a) Common University regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University
of Nairobi shall apply.
(b) Any candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Medical Physiology must:
(i) Be a holder of a Masters degree in Medical Physiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry,
Pathology, Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Public
Health, Pharmacology, Radiology, Clinical Pharmacy, Psychiatry and other
health related courses offered in the College of Health Sciences from the
University of Nairobi or of any other institution recognized by the Senate of the
University of Nairobi.
(ii) Be a holder of a Master’s degree of the University of Nairobi in any of the
following disciplines: life science, health sciences, physical sciences, social
sciences, law, engineering, humanities, and allied disciplines.
(ii) be holder of a Master’s degree of any other University recognized by the
University of Nairobi as equivalent to the status of the qualifications in (i) above;
iii) be a holder of other qualifications considered by Senate as equivalent to a
Master’s degree in the disciplines outlined in (i) above.

NB: Regulations for credit transfers

There are no credit transfers or exemptions for this program.

1. Research Scientists in Medical Physiology

2. Lecturer in Medical Physiology

   YEAR 1   YEAR 2   YEAR 3    TOTALS 
TUITION     396,000.00  396,000.00  396,000.00    1,188,000.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)          7,000.00       7,000.00       7,000.00          21,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION                       -                       -        50,000.00          50,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)          4,500.00       4,500.00       4,500.00          13,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)          1,000.00       1,000.00       1,000.00            3,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)          5,000.00                    -                       -               5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)          6,500.00       6,500.00       6,500.00          19,500.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)          2,000.00       2,000.00       2,000.00            6,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)          5,000.00       5,000.00       5,000.00          15,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)          1,000.00       1,000.00       1,000.00            3,000.00
Grand totals     428,000.00  423,000.00  473,000.00    1,324,000.00

NOTE: The above fees is applicable to both local and international students.